

 HOW TO WRITE A RESEARCH PAPER   Education,Writing Research papers are written by students who are in higher school levels. A research paper explains the scientific and technical issues. To write a good research paper, a student is required to have knowledge in research paper writing skills. Guidelines on how to write a research paper When writing any research paper, start by choosing a topic of interest. Student’s attitude towards a topic determines the quality of research paper to write. Avoid a topic which is too technical and too broad. Before going to research make sure that the instructor has approved the topic chosen. Have time to study the topic chosen and write down the thesis statement in one statement. Thesis statement determines the type of research paper to be written. Allocate adequate time to carry out thorough research. Make sure that  the information is from relevant sources. Follow the set guidelines followed when carrying out research. Sources of information are from

New Year's Resolutions?

 New Year's Resolutions?   Health,Fitness,Cooking Well, another year bites the dust. Here we are in a brand new year. I wonder how many of my readers made a resolution to 'finally lose the weight they want to lose?' Resolutions are great! The truth is, they hardly ever are carried through to a successful conclusion. Why is that? Speaking from personal experience, when I used to make resolutions, I did so without a plan. Oh sure, I had a purpose in mind. What I didn't have was a plan. What I did have were a bunch of things I wished to accomplish without knowing whether I could or how to accomplish these wishes. Setting goals not thinking about wishes is the key. Losing Weight and Goal Setting Losing weight and goal setting is no different than setting any goal. It begins with a vision. Let's say your current weight is 180 pounds; your ideal weight, however, is 150 pounds. So to reach your ideal weight you need to lose 30 pounds. I made this easy because I am not a ma